I am a Java programmer, and am playing with the idea of building some software to display cymatics images.
To start thinking seriously about this I would need to get in touch with someone with expertise in math or physics or both.
It would be interesting to have a comparative update, of the different Cymatics devices/technologies that have been evolved until today. Discussion welcomed. Thanks
After 10 years of personal research into the hypothetical existence of the etheric field, this novel formulation of the constant Pi has come to light on its own.
Soy un ingerniero acustico de chile, hace un par de años estoy hacioendo algunas investigaciones acerca de tecnologias usadas en civilizaciones antiguas, y en esta busqueda, me eh topado un par de veces copn algunos templos de la i
Interpellé par l'empreinte du nombre d'or dans de nombreuses créations naturelles, j'ai entrepris voilà quelques années de comprendre cette entité mathématique. Cette démarche, entamée par la géométrie, m'a rapidement plongé dans une nouvell
Hello Fellow Investigators. While looking for ways to explain different symmetries to my college students, I stumbled onto cymatic images conducting research for my teaching job. Once I understood that these remarkable images were not digital creatio
I am in need of a science fair project, and I was really hoping it could be about cymatics. I just was wondering if any of you knows how I could go about doing it. Cymatics is just such an intriguing subject and would be something new and fresh
There is an installation I made with subwoofer, some construction (with aluminium sticks) and plate which is fixed in the middle. Whatever sound I try to play on the computer or through the microphone does not really make any difference - there is no
I've been experimenting with a very primitive tonoscope, but i would love to build a large cymatic plate. however, i can't seem to find plans Anywhere! can anyone help... this is a sacred science to me and i'm willing to do whatever it takes to furth