Cymatics: Sound of a Star

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For the first time ever, the sound of a star has been made visible using cymatics. Both the sound and the visual properties of this one-of-a-kind cymatics video are awe inspiring. Here you can see the beautiful cymatic sound of a star as the fruition of a project by John Stuart Reid in collaboration with Dr Zoltan Kollath who was responsible for preparing the sound file. The images were created on the CymaScope, a scientific cymatics device created by John Stuart Reid and Eric Larson. Thank you to John Stuart Reid for permission to showcase this cymatics video.

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  • Hello
    My name Rinaldi from Indonesia
    I can not speak English , I am writing this email with the help of google translate
    I am very interested in cymatic , but I do not know how it works ,
    I am happy meditation with music that I like , just so curious as to what shape the image of the music that I heard when meditation
    What you could help me ? ...
    if you want , then will I send the music

  • This is very interesting ! It's going to be really exciting and helpful for science if we know what the stars "talk" :)
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