Announcing the 10th anniversary Cymatics Conference, to be held at the Historic Academy of Medicine in Atlanta, GA this November 6-8 (2015)!
Doctors, therapists, scientists, and artists who work in the field of cymatics will all be there and this year there is an exciting lineup of presentations that span science, art and healing with cymatics.
Whether you are interested in the visual or healing aspects of cymatics, or want to know more about the science behind this rapidly growing field of study, you will find something of interest and have the opportunity to meet the some of the leaders of the cymatics movement in Atlanta this November.
In fact, if you are able to make it to the cymatics conference this year, we will be able to meet in person as I have just confirmed that I will be there as a presenter this year.
So take a look at your calendar and see if you can book a trip. Click here to see the current lineup of presenters and how to reserve tickets to the cymatics conference.
Leave a comment and let me know if you can make it!
- Jodina