New to forum - Have some ideas

Hi.  I'm new to this board and I've got some ideas I want to toss out there since I don't have the experience or funds to pursue this.  

There's a few things I see happening in most of these demonstrations:

1) There is a static non-comforming group of particles used to create temporary images in a 2d field of view (rice/salt etc)

2) There is a dynamic conforming substance used to create limited 3d slices of the full 3d waveform (ferrofluids, non-newtonian substances, water)

3) There is some sort of computer imagery used to simulate the mathematics of the waveform in flattened 3d space.

4) Someone has used a very strong bubble mix to create fluctuations in the bubbles created.

First I'd like to know if these observations are accurate.  Are there some more methods that I have yet overlooked?

In the beginning of Evan's TED talk I saw a computer graphic visual of a structure surrounding a violinist.  Has anyone modeled something like this and made the results public?  Is anyone exploring this who is part of this forum?

Thanks for humoring this pre-emptive questions.  I'd really like to get some ideas down on paper for some people to play with.  Before I can do that I need to make sure I have my bases covered on what IS being explored so I can more definitively know if where my mind is leading me has not yet been covered.


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